
Steens Mountain yarrow
California bentgrass
silver beach bur
western white anemone
rosy pussy toes
Arroyo de la Cruz manzanita
Franciscan manzanita
glossy leaved manzanita
California sagebrush
prostrate California sagebrush
white-flowered wild ginger
wild ginger
marbled wild ginger
Christmas bush
longleaf mahonia
Wine Cups, Purple Poppy Mallow, Buffalo Rose
basket sedge
round-fruit sedge
slough sedge
California meadow sedge, dune sedge
compact field sedge
field sedge, clustered field sedge
two tooth sedge
foothill sedge
California lilac
California lilac
California lilac
California lilac
prostrate buckbrush
Rincon Ridge ceanothus
wavyleaf ceanothus
Hearst ceanothus
Santa Barbara ceanothus
Santa Barbara ceanothus
Santa Barbara ceanothus
western bleeding heart
California ponysfoot
Catalina Island Dudleya
creeping wild rye
California fuchsia
California fuschia
California fuchsia
California fuchsia
California fuchsia
California fuchsia
California fuchsia
California fuchsia
stream orchid
seaside daisy
golden sulphur flower buckwheat
common monkeyflower
giant California fescue
creeping red fescue
creeping red fescue
woodland strawberry
dwarf California coffeeberry
coastal sneezeweed
false lily of the valley
slim false Solomon's seal
mountain coyote mint, mountain pennyroyal
dwarf culinary oregano
redwood sorrel
white redwood sorrel
lippia / turkey tangle frog fruit
prostrate western ninebark
California polypody
slender cinquefoil
Catalina perfume
Sonoma rose
Sonoma sage
white-flowered Sonoma sage
yellow-flowered hummingbird sage
California skullcap
Pacific stonecrop
Point Reyes checkerbloom
Siskiyou checkerbloom
Sierra checkerbloom
coast goldenrod
California hedgenettle
creeping snowberry
pink chintz thyme
juniper thyme
juniper thyme
red creeping thyme
sugarscoop, foamflower
golden piggy-back plant
northern inside-out flower
marsh violet
California fucshia