
Steens Mountain yarrow
Californica buckeye
licorice mint
pearly everlasting
western white anemone
sharptooth angelica
Brewer's angelica
California angelica
bluff angelica
sea watch
foothill angelica
rosy pussy toes
Rocky Mountain columbine
Sierra columbine
elk clover, spikenard
Pacific madrone
Mount Diablo manzanita
hoary manzanita
Arroyo de la Cruz manzanita
Vine Hill manzanita
Franciscan manzanita
Gabilan Mountains manzanita
Eastwood manzanita
bigberry manzanita
common manzanita
Mount Tamalpais manzanita
glossy leaved manzanita
glossyleaf manzanita
ghostly manzanita
Marin manzanita
California sagebrush
California sagebrush
prostrate California sagebrush
coastal mugwort
goat's beard
Kotolo milkweed
coyote bush, desert broom
marsh baccharis, false willow
Christmas bush
brook saxifrage
purple western morning glory
California bush anemone
mountain whitethorn
coast whitethorn
Santa Barbara ceanothus
tobacco bush
desert willow
narrowleaf soap root
Fort Miller fairyfan
candy stripe, Indian lettuce
bush clematis, Mongolian bells
chaparral clematis
virgin's bower
browntwig dogwood
Pacific dogwood
western redtwig dogwood
yellowtwig dogwood
Klamath hawthorn
California ponysfoot
Catalina Island Dudleya
California fuchsia
Santa Cruz Island buckwheat
wand buckwheat
California buckwheat
St. Catherine's Lace
Wyeth buckwheat
coastal bluff buckwheat
naked buckwheat
Point Reyes wallflower
San Francisco wallflower
giant fawn lily
woodland strawberry
flowering ash
coast silktassel
coast silktassel
coast silk tassel
Fremont's silk tassel
white bog hastingsia
cow parsnip
Our Lord's candle
roundleaf alumroot
smooth alumroot
shaggy haired alumroot
Island alum root
seaside alum root
cream bush, ocean spray
slender-tubed iris
Pacific Coast hybrid iris
Pacific Coast hybrid iris
Pacific Coast hybrid iris
longtube iris
hillside pea, Pacific pea
white flowered English lavender
smooth tidy tips
tidy tips
pitcher sage
cliff maids
celeryleaf licorice root
lace parsnip
California honeysuckle, hairy honeysuckle
false lily of the valley
fat false Solomon's seal
slim false Solomon's seal
chaparral bush mallow
wild cucumber, California manroot
coast man-root, wild cucumber
mountain coyote mint, mountain pennyroyal
baby blue eyes
Shasta snow-wreath
California primrose
redwood sorrel
white redwood sorrel
coastal miterwort
white foothill penstemon
scented penstemon
imbricate phacelia
western mock orange
western mock orange
lippia / turkey tangle frog fruit
prostrate western ninebark
western ninebark
seaside plantain
largeflower fairybells
bitter cherry
California hoptree
lemonade berry
sugar bush
California gooseberry, hillside gooseberry
wax currant
white flowered currant
white flowering currant
white chaparral currant
canyon gooseberry
Sierra gooseberry
matilija poppy
blackcap raspberry
double-flowered thimbleberry
mountain willow
compact white sage
white sage
Brandegee sage
black sage
white-flowered Sonoma sage
cut leaf elderberry
red elderberry
California skullcap
snowdrop bush
sugarscoop, foamflower
Fremont's star lily
giant Trillium
western trillium
white brodiaea
Ithuriel's spear
stinging nettle
evergreen huckleberry
northern inside-out flower
fringed cornlily
western viburnum
marsh violet
bear grass
Joshua tree